
I created this site from limited knowledge in HTML and CSS code as a way to showcase my IT skills. By no means do I claim to be expert in HTML, or web design, so forgive any wrinkles. Keep the following in mind:

  • Atom on Linux Mint with Cinnamon is my primary editor, with some edits done in VIM as needed, so I have no idea how well it works with Microsoft Internet Explorer - they've abandonded IE, you should too

  • I host from home from an Arch Linux VM running on oVirt Node Next, so the site should be up 24/7

  • I'm updating the site as I think of things to add, so this isn't an exhaustive showcase of technologies I'm familiar with or the extent of my technical experience, but I think it gets a good point across - also, hold the SHIFT key and click "refresh" if revisiting to see any updates

  • This site is designed with a mobile-first approach, so keep in mind I haven't yet optimized for the best desktop experience (if it feels too in-your-face, just zoom out a little)

  • This site is essentially my resume, but if you'd like it in paper form, let me know and I'll get one to you - my contact info is below

More About Me

To work for you, all I need is an interview.

Contact Info

801.613.9833 jasonrhardman@protonmail.com LinkedIn StackOverflow GitHub Thingiverse